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New Mercy that Awaits Us

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

In today's message, the pastor reminded us that his mercies are new every morning. He actually said something like this --"Aren't you glad that new grace and mercy meet you at your bedside every morning?" The answer is "Yes, I sure am." This simple statement marked by the proof in God's word (Lamentations 3:23) reminded me that I don't have to walk around with a mask of perfection. That He gives me more than I need to make up for what I don't have or cannot give.

And He gives you what you need to be a good friend, kind spouse, loving daughter, patient mother, amazing boss, compassionate coworker etc... So show yourself some grace this week and rest in the fact that His mercies are new every single morning = it only goes up from here.

Love you. 💕

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